
To facilitate the effective integration of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs), economic and clinical evidence into national decision making and clinical practice in the health sector, especially hospitals and primary care by:

1.  Stimulating collaboration between economists, hospitals and primary care world-wide in translating CPGs, economic and clinical evidence into clinical practice.

2. Achieving participation world-wide by Health Economic Associations, Governments, guideline development agencies, WHO, World Bank, United Nations, OECD, medical and surgical associations, universities, foundations and national hospital associations [1]

3. Facilitating health economists to achieve leadership roles in health care organizations to undertake the above activities, applying appropriate technical and clinical governance approaches to localizing CPGs and the evidence into clinical protocols and pathways.

4. Facilitating efficiencies to achieve the above goals by:

  • Identifying key medical and surgical priority areas worldwide for GENI’s work program and with regard to funding opportunities to support such work.
  • Encouraging collaboration world-wide in the compilation and proliferation of health economic and clinical evidence and its methodological grading[2]
  • Stimulating the use and development of appraisal of CPGs eg Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation.
  •  Obtaining agreement on cost effectiveness thresholds for CEA, applying the societal perspective where possible.

5. Forging linkages with bodies that set the standards for appropriate treatment under different conditions that may link to contracts or regulatory processes eg insurers or national government funding systems.

6. Determining mechanisms whereby CPGs and localized quality instruments such as protocols and pathways can be used by national insurance paying heath care providers per individual product and to determine appropriate treatment scenarios related to DRGs, Diagnostic Cost Groups (DCGs) and DBCs (The Netherlands).

7.  Identifying and stimulating the financing of GENI’s deliberations.

[1] UK, England, Scotland, The Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Singapore, Hungary, Poland, Japan, Hong Kong, China, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Thailand and Middle East.

[2] Currently mechanisms to grade clinical evidence for CPGs can vary between countries, eg NHMRC (Australia), NICE (UK), SIGN (Scotland) and The Netherlands all use different ‘Levels of Evidence’ and ‘Grades of Recommendations’.