Director, Legal and Governance Research

Denise Seidel (Pottumati)


Director, Legal and Governance Research, GENI

Master of Business Law (MBL) (Southern Cross University), Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) (University of South Australia), Diploma of Commerce (SIBT/Macquarie University), Diploma of Business Administration (Williams Business College).

Denise works as Research Development Manager at the Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Her work involves the development of research strategy, research management and pre-award research engagement activities.

At the Guidelines and Economists Network International, she was promoted to Director, Legal and Governance Research, GENI in October 2022. She previously held the positions of Senior Project Manager, 2020-22, Project Manager, 2019-2020 and Researcher GENI, 2017-2018.

Denise was awarded the 2020 GENI Award for Outstanding Contribution. At GENI, Denise’s contributions have involved research into the Australian Charitable Accounting Standards relating to Annual Reports and the identification of research funding opportunities for GENI. This includes funding opportunities for research concerning COVID-19 in Australia and internationally, development of a summary of Australian Government specifications for categories of research. She also prepared a briefing for GENI’s Chief Executive Officer on the Export Market Development Grants scheme (EMDG) and the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

Denise provided information concerning new drug applications under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for a drug to treat Spinal Muscular Atrophy and developments concerning Oncotype DX breast cancer assay.

Denise works as a Research Development Manager for the Faculty of Science at UTS involves developing research strategy, undertaking research management and pre-award research engagement activities.

She works with researchers and research teams on specific funding opportunities, initiating and leading the development and implementation of industry engagement strategies and undertaking a holistic analysis of research capabilities, research interests and areas of research focus within the Faculty of Science, UTS and beyond for collaborative research work.

Previously Denise was the Research Manager for the Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation, Engagement Manager (Acting) and Research Engagement Associate for the central Research Innovation Office at UTS.

Denise has prior experience as a project/centre administrator at the Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University, NSW. Denise coordinated activities for the Centre including financial management of projects and grants, human resources, support of funding proposal applications and general office activities such as marketing, communications, and website maintenance.