Executive Director, International Health Policy and Sustainability

Fiona Sherwin

Fiona Sherwin

B Physio (Hons) (University of Melbourne) Graduate Cert Public Health (Flinders University) Master of Health Administration (Latrobe University) FCHSM CHE.

Fiona was promoted to Executive Director, International Health Policy and Sustainability on 1 August 2024. Since joining GENI in 2014, Fiona has held roles as a Project Manager and more recently as  Director, Community and Allied Health. Fiona has contributed to systematic reviews examining the cost effectiveness of child vaccinations in Africa, prostate screening and diagnosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cystic fibrosis. She has also undertaken scoping work on COVID-19 vaccine equity and vaccination and immunisation system capacity in Africa.

Fiona currently works in the Sustainability team at Monash Health in Victoria, where she has designed and is piloting a program to build capability in sustainability improvement and transformation. Drawing on her experience in clinical governance and transformation, Fiona seeks to create systems that accelerate the adoption of high value, low carbon care, in turn building health system sustainability and resilience.

As a Senior Transformation Partner, Fiona oversaw the design and delivery of the Monash Health Mental Health Reform agenda, including regulatory reform and service development initiatives. Fiona also holds experience in executive advisory, corporate strategy and service planning. As an allied health manager, Fiona redesigned several services to deliver value-based care. She has also implemented clinical pathways with digitally enabled decision support in the fields of cardiology and respiratory medicine.

Fiona has previously worked with the World Health Organization in Geneva, contributing to the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases and economic analyses relating to the social determinants of health.

In 2018, Fiona was awarded the GENI award for Outstanding Contribution. Fiona received the Claude Frencham Award in 2015 for her work as Chair of the Emerging Health Manager’s Group of the Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM). She was  the 2015 recipient of the ACHSM  Ian Brand Prize for the best grade point average nationally in  Masters programme in health service management. Fiona is currently undertaking a Master of Business Administration at Melbourne Business School, where she is focusing on sustainability, strategy, behavioural science and digital innovation.

Contact: fiona.sherwin@monashhealth.org

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