Director, Chronic Disease Management and Clinical Guidelines

Helen Sinnott

Helen is the executive officer of the Australian Disease Management Association (ADMA), a clearing house of expertise in disease management. It provides a forum and advocacy for disease management services to promote programs, which improve outcomes and quality of life and reduce acute health care utilisation and costs in patients with chronic conditions.

Helen has been employed in health care in the UK, USA and Australia for over 20 years and brings a wealth of experience in healthcare and project management having being instrumental in the development of the chronic disease management services at Western Health including model development and evaluation. She also has experience with health reform while Change Manager with the National Health Workforce Taskforce, in this role she was involved in the development of a national program to test and demonstrate major shifts in workforce utilisation and deployment across all sectors of aged care. Helen has also been actively involved in the development of the Integrated Chronic Disease Management Online Clearinghouse.

At Western Health in Melbourne, Helen was involved in the process of integrating clinical practice guidelines and clinical and economic evidence into practice, including researching and grading evidence, through participation in the Clinical Pathways Working Group.

Helen was promoted to Director, Chronic Disease Management and Clinical Guidelines, GENI following her work as Senior Project Manager, GENI.
